Submit a Manuscript to the U.S. Journal of Police Use of Force and Practices

NEFI’s Editor will use the following information to conduct the initial assessment of your manuscript. Filling out each section thoughtfully and thoroughly will help expedite the review of your manuscript.

All fields are required unless otherwise noted.
(Please enter all authors on this manuscript)


CV/Resume upload here

Maximum length: 100 characters. Must be title case.
Maximum length: 50 characters. Must be title case.
Comma separated list of 8-15 keywords that figure prominently in your manuscript. These words should primarily include important vocabulary, names of people, and names of organizations. We will use these terms to generate the index for the journal issue. Please do not include words that are part of the journal title or manuscript title.
Maximum length: 200 characters. Must be title case. Must be comma separated.(Fillable Fields)

our abstract should provide readers with an overview of the content of your manuscript. It is important that your abstract clearly states the purpose of your manuscript and summarizes the content. Do not use first or second person (I, me, my, we, us, our, you...). Instead use "this manuscript per the authors".
Minimum length: 500 characters. Maximum length: 1,100 characters. Must be one (1) paragraph.


By submitting, this form the author(s) certify and affirm that they acknowledge that I have read and agreed to the following:
  1. The manuscript has not been previously published within any publication.
  2. The manuscript has not been previously published under a different title.
  3. The author(s) hereby grant, assign and authorize the National Excessive Force Institute (NEFI) and the U.S. Journal of Police Use of Force and Practices, its successors, representatives, and assigns, the irrevocable non-exclusive right to reproduce, republish, transmit, sell, distribute, and otherwise use the submitted manuscript in electronic and print editions of the Journal and in derivative works throughout the world, in all languages, and in all media now known or later discovered.
  4. An irrevocable non-exclusive right to create and store electronic archival copies of the submitted manuscript, including the right to deposit the manuscript in open access digital repositories.
  5. An irrevocable non-exclusive right to license others to reproduce, republish, transmit, and distribute the submitted manuscript under the condition that the author(s) are attributed. (Currently this is carried out by publishing the content under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.)
  6. The author(s) retain all proprietary and copyrights to the manuscript submitted to the NEFI and the U.S. Journal of Police Use of Force and Practices.
  7. The author(s) agree when distributing or re-publishing the submitted manuscript they will credit the U.S. Journal of Police Use of Force and Practices as the place first published.
  8. The author(s) agree to indemnify, hold harmless, defend, release, and forever discharge the NEFI, the U.S. Journal of Police Use of Force and Practices, its officers, agents, and any person or persons under its direction and control from, and waive any and all responsibility of same, for any and all liability, claim, demands, actions, loss of expenses (including costs and attorney’s fees), lost or damages of any kind whatsoever imposed by law upon the NEFI or the U.S. Journal of Police Use of Force and Practices for loss of use thereof, arising out of or in consequence of publishing the author(s) manuscript.
  9. The authors guarantee that this manuscript contains no matter which can be construed as libelous or as infringing in any way on the copyright(s) of another party, and that the author(s) will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless NEFI and the U.S. Journal of Police Use of Force and Practices against all suits, proceedings, or claims that may be taken on the ground that the manuscript is in such violation.
  10. The authors guarantee that if the manuscript contains no text or graphics for which republication permission is necessary, the author(s) affirm that if the manuscript contains text or graphics for which republication permission is necessary, permission for use of the material in all print, electronic, and any other media has been granted by the copyright holder and that all necessary documentation of the permissions is attached to this form.



  1. If the author(s) unreasonably disapprove of any out-of-court settlement recommended by the NEFI or the U.S. Journal of Police Use of Force and Practices and the claim or suit proceeds to trial, the author(s) shall be liable for all of NEFI’s, and the U.S. Journal of Police Use of Force and Practices’ fees, costs, damages, and expenses connected with such trial regardless of outcome. NEFI and the U.S. Journal of Police Use of Force and Practices shall have the right to reasonably extend the benefit of the indemnities to any person, firm, or corporation at any time, and the author(s) shall be liable thereon as if the author(s) warranties were originally made to such person, firm, or corporation.
  2. The lead author will be given three (3) weeks, to read and correct the edited manuscript and proofs; but if these are not returned to NEFI by the date specified, then production and publication may proceed without the corrections.
  3. The author(s) agrees to furnish camera-ready artwork satisfactory to the journal’s production department.
  4. In the event the manuscript is not accepted and published by the U.S. Journal of Police Use of Force and Practices or is withdrawn by the author(s) before acceptance by the Journal, the foregoing copyright use authorization and use transfer shall become null and void and all materials embodying the manuscript submitted to the Journal will be destroyed.
I [lead author] certify and affirm that I have the authority to submit this manuscript and authorize to enter into this publishing agreement with the U.S. Journal of Police Use of Force.

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